I cannot believe we are here because a multi billionaire couldn't handle one of his children being trans. I was born in the United States at the peak of its powers with white skin and a penis but I ain't super rich or powerful. However I have never blamed that on people whose race, religion, gender or sexual orientation was different from mine. It was either on me or "The Man" as the powers that be used to be called. The battle shouldn't be between races or genders or whatever. It should be between those that have and refuse to share and the have nots who just want life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

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You are among those teachers who are educators (truly) who help students to think, learn and grow. For which I am grateful!

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I'm curious about the content of your class discussions; I'm sure you have students that are vocal Trump supporters. Are there any discussions that get heated? Do they have any logical reason to be a supporter or are they blind followers like their adult counterparts? Have you been able to sway any of them?

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