In the wake of the failed assassination of Donald Trump, I keep seeing everyone rightfully condemn “political violence”…
I also see people saying there is no place for “political violence” in America. This is more of an aspirational sentiment than one based in the reality of American history.
Political violence is not new in the United States of America. It has existed since our nation’s inception. Donald Trump is just one of the latest figures to stoke it and to (almost) fall victim to it.
Our nation was conceived in political violence. Read about the American Revolution. Read about the treatment of the Indigenous people. Read about race-based chattel slavery.
After the Civil War, and then less than one hundred years later during the Civil Rights movement to today, white people have resorted to political violence to maintain their supremacy.
Political violence endures in America with mass incarceration and police violence that targets Black and Brown people and also gun violence that is now the leading cause of death for American children because Republicans refuse to pass gun prevention laws. In addition, the Christo Fascist state laws that ban “divisive concepts” are also helping create a culture of political violence by not allowing young people to learn empathy and acceptance. The list of examples of political violence in America goes on and on.
To be honest, Project 2025 is a blueprint for political violence.
So, although I abhor political violence (and violence in general), we must face that it has been a huge part of the history of our nation.
Yet, I still have hope that with the right leaders, we can create a more peaceful world with less violence.
President Biden is that leader. Today he spoke to the American people, saying “We need to unite as a nation.”
Donald Trump is the exact opposite of that type of leader. He and his followers are responsible for the obscene levels of hate and violence in 2024 America.
From the day he glided down that golden escalator with his “Be Best” wife and his hateful screed about Mexican people, he has been responsible for raising the temperature in our political discourse. He has inspired others to pile on with their hate and essentially absorbed the Republican party into MAGA.
So, if we want to turn down the heat, there is ONE political party and leader who stokes a climate of hate and anger. The leader that incited a coup against the American government on January 6th.
Again, I am all for condemning political violence, but let us be for real about who is saying all this awful stuff. Yes, let’s cut this out, I’m looking at YOU leaders & followers of MAGA.
When our chickens come home to roost, it means our past mistakes or wrongdoings have come back to cause us problems. When you stoke violence and hate and do nothing about the gun violence epidemic in America, it can’t be shocking that the society for all of us, regardless of party or ideology, gets increasingly less safe.
Until then, this is us.
The chickens did come home to roost yesterday. But now that the cult now thinks Dear Leader is untouchable and immortal they will become more entrenched and more willing to put Cheetolini back in office by any means necessary.
Of course I have heard some anti-abortion leaders say the RNC platform on abortion does not go FAR ENOUGH. (too watered down to appeal to "Moderates")And we BOTH know that some anti abortion zealots will resort to violence. Just food for thought.
The violence does run deep and I feel it's worth mentioning also, the long list of violent acts committed abroad by our country: all the proxy wars, the black-op coups in other countries, the funding of violent terrorist groups. This list also goes on long. One candidate is clearly better, yet still a bitter pill to swallow since all the violence continues without end, no matter who ends up in power. Personally, I like to think I am non-violent, yet the way of life enjoyed here, which I share, is possible only with violence. My thinking has become that the violence here and the violence abroad are one and the same. We are a violent people, a culture in need of deescalation, less, and mass therapy.